พบว่า การเป็นผู้นำการเปลี่ยนแปลงวัฒนธรรมโรงเรียนและข้อมูลประชากรของโรงเรียน สามารถใช้ในการทำนายผลลัพธ์ในการทดสอบวิทยาศาสตร์
M-STEP มีข้อสรุปที่สำคัญ 7 ประการ อย่างไรก็ตามการปฏิบัติความเป็นผู้นำการเปลี่ยนแปลงอาจมีผลกระทบทางตรงและทางอ้อมในการวัดทางเลือกของผลสัมฤทธิ์ของนักเรียน (Starks, Delores Michelle, 2018)
Starks, Delores Michelle (2018) A Study of the Relationships among the Transformational
Leadership Practices of the Michigan High School Principal, School Culture, and
Student Achievement.
LLC, Ph.D. Dissertation, Eastern
Michigan University
A Study of the Relationships among the Transformational
Leadership Practices of the Michigan High School Principal, School Culture, and
Student Achievement.
Starks, Delores Michelle
LLC, Ph.D. Dissertation, Eastern
Michigan University
Resource : ERIC
The continuing demand for greater accountability
and improved student performance are critical concerns facing education in the
21st century. Federal and state mandates have been issued to ensure that all
students achieve mastery of curriculum objectives. This quantitative study
examined the relationships among student achievement as measured by the overall
student proficiency in science on the Michigan Student Test of Educational
Progress (M-STEP) Test and teacher perceptions of transformational leadership
practices of Michigan high school principals and school culture. A
correlational research design was used for this study. A
total of 157 teachers, representing 147 unique high schools completed an online
survey measuring perceptions of their principal's transformational leadership
practices and school culture. The items on the Transformational Leadership
Practices survey and the School Culture Survey were used in a principal components
factor analysis with a varimax rotation. Four factors, transformational
leadership, collaborative school culture, professional learning, and ethical
leadership, emerged from the factor analysis. Multiple linear regression
analysis using a backward variable entry method was used to determine which
school demographics were related to the four subscales measuring
transformational leadership practices and school culture. A multiple linear
regression analysis was used to determine which of the transformational
leadership practices, school culture, and school demographics could be used to
predict science outcomes on the M-STEP science test. Seven major conclusions
include (a) transformational leaders are more likely to support professional
learning, (b) transformational leaders are more likely to have a collaborative
school culture, (c) transformational leadership practices have both an indirect
and direct effect on professional learning and collaborative culture, (d)
transformational leadership practices are more likely to be used by female
principals, (e) transformational leadership practices are less likely to be used
in schools with a large population of special needs students, and (f)
transformational leadership practices and school culture are not related to
student achievement; however, transformational leadership practices could have
indirect and direct effects on alternative measurements of student achievement.
Future research, such as a qualitative study involving teacher interviews could
investigate which transformational leadership practices resulted in a
collaborative school culture and supported professional learning. [The
dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of
ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of
dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:
Descriptors: Transformational Leadership, Principals, High Schools, School Culture, Academic Achievement, High School Teachers, Teacher Attitudes, High School Students
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